Director's Statement

Director's Image

I wanted to create a juxtaposition between the feminine romance genre, and the masculine framework of a certain familiar cop show. With this unique combination I am challenging traditional genre boundaries, and poking fun at the way society exalts the masculine and disregards the feminine.

I had been developing the script for several years, but after being diagnosed with the painful nerve disorder trigeminal neuralgia, the project took on new urgency. I was forced to take significant time off from my work narrating audiobooks and acting as I lost my ability to speak and eat due to the unrelenting pain. During a month of recovery without speech, I did extensive script re-writes and pre-production planning. I went from feeling hopeless to feeling really motivated. I knew that if and when I was able to return to work, I wasn’t going to hold back on creative expression. My voice was something that I would never take for granted again.

Still healing but determined, I rallied my supportive community of talented friends and family to finally produce this passion project I had been sitting on for too long. Making this lighthearted story about finding connection and laughter during life’s ups and downs now carries special meaning for me after my own health struggles.

It is fun to showcase these familiar formulas and in their contrast bring a little more equality to the way we view these kind of tropes. I am really proud of not only showcasing audiobook narrators but also highlighting all those who work in romance. The film highlights the intricate balance between personal and professional lives and the ways in which these elements can intersect and inform one another.


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